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Positivity Quotes for Dads

Bringing a little happiness to your day, and motivation to be the best father you can be.

Everything matters, and yet don’t sweat it! [Jeremy, 2020]

Willpower doesn’t last, but rituals (not just habits) can last a lifetime! [Jeremy, 2020]

Some claim you are a superhero but I don’t know if it’s true, what really matters to me is what you say and do. [Jeremy, 2020]

Online behavior translates to offline behavior. [Jeremy, 2020]

Son: When I grow up, I want to be a dad.

Me: Best compliment ever.

Son: But dad, what do you do?

[Jeremy, 2020]

Passively listening is a sure way to forget it. [Jeremy, 2020]

If u don’t have the solution to the problem, don’t worry about it. I don’t have the solution, but I also don’t trust anyone else to treat this like it’s their problem. [Jeremy, 2020]

Emotion is an impulse, but feelings are our interpretation over time. [Jeremy, 2020]

If a smart device is better than real life, improve what you do in real life. Outside wins. [Jeremy, 2020]

Courage doesn’t just happen, it has to be taught and continue to be reinforced. [Jeremy, 2020]

Under parented, over parented, don’t stress, just be involved. [Jeremy, 2020]

Avoid squandering the most precious resource…time. [Jeremy, 2020]

A kid’s identity can be molded. Our words will craft the masterpiece. [Jeremy, 2020]

Time: Not hurried, not wasted, always present. [Jeremy, 2020]

Preparing our kids is better than protecting them. [Jeremy, 2020]

Children are a third of life, might as well enjoy the time! [Jeremy 2020]

Tell your kids stories about themselves to shape their identity. We are who you say we are. [Jeremy 2020]

Watching videos online can either entertainment or quality learning. Choose to learn by engaging and applying immediately. [Jeremy 2020]

Sister: Aww, I am so bad at remembering.
Brother: No, you are really good at forgetting! [Twisting negative to positive]

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