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My Top 5 List of Parenting Books

For some people parenting comes naturally.

New Parents

Below are 5 of my most influential parenting books I’ve read throughout the years. 7 years ago, I decided to make reading one of my main goals each week. To accomplish this, I forced myself to start each day with reading (audio books included).

Gradually, as I made this a habit, I began to look forward to my reading moments, and loved the knowledge I was gaining. If it wasn’t for this one change in my life, I would have missed out of so many positive changes I’ve incorporated in my life including becoming a homeschooling father, achieving many athletic successes, and improving my relationships with my family and wife.

Although the following books are uniquely life-altering for me, I challenge you to first focus on developing the practice of reading in your life if it is currently missing. Then, once you begin the enjoyment of reading itself, allow yourself to get immersed in the suggested concepts below.

5: The First Seven Years

This book is lengthy and probably not a good place to start if you are just looking for a fun read to get started on your parenting journey. I personally ended up reading sections of this book as I deemed necessary. Not all the chapters will pertain to your situation.

However, I did find many of Kay’s techniques and approaches not only beneficial to read, but lead me to adjust my approach to various issues we were facing. Especially as a new parent, this book helped me gain a better understanding of what to expect through the first seven years of your child’s life. Those first 7 years are extremely important years!

4: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth made this concept famous with her popular Ted Talk.

I found many influential ideas within this book which is why I list it as one of my top parenting books. A must read for all people.

There is so much power in having a growth mindset when it comes to parenting and seeing your kids as wonderful ever-changing beings.

3: How to Talk so Kids Will Listen, and Listen so Kids will Talk

This classic book is one of the more popular parenting books out there. It’s popular because it is an easy read. It is also popular because it offers such sound advice to common parenting communication struggles.

Focusing on training the parent to have improved responses to kid interactions. This too is one of my favorites I find myself re-reading to remind myself of the golden concepts within.

2: The Lost Art of Listening

A simple yet powerful lesson that will improve your relationship with your children, your relationship with your parents, your relationship with your spouse, and improve your happiness overall.

Listening, a skill that all are aware of, few intentionally practice, and fewer master. This book dissects how to make listening second nature.

1: Range

My top book is again, not necessarily a parenting book, but a life lesson book. Range is a book authored by David Epstein that initially set about challenging Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour theory of mastering anything. Instead, David devotes this book to open the eyes of parents to the potential that making kids more well-rounded early rather than specializing can pay massive dividends.

August 26, 2020

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